Putin wants control of Russian scientists
Since it was founded by Tsar Peter I in 1724, the Academy has enjoyed
immunity from government interference. Freedom to think and work
unfettered has enabled 17 of its alumni since 1904 to win science’s
highest plaudit, the Nobel prize. Of those, 14 have been within the past
50 years and the most recent, Vitaly Ginzburg and Alexei Abrikosov,
shared the prize for physics in 2003.
Now, however, its autonomy is threatened by a proposed new charter
which would give the government control of its management, funding and
multi-billion pound property holdings.
Source: The Telegraph (online), May 7, 2007
Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, has decreed the
creation of a new super-agency to regulate media and the internet,
sparking fears among Russian journalists of a bid to extend tight
publishing controls to the relatively free web. Putin signed a decree
this week merging two existing agencies into one entity that will
license broadcasters, newspapers and websites and oversee their
editorial content.
Source: SABC News (online), March 15, 2007
The Soviet dictator Josef Stalin ordered the creation of
Planet of the Apes-style warriors by crossing humans with apes,
according to recently uncovered secret documents.
Source: The Scotsman, December 20, 2005
Twenty masked special and plain clothes police raided an
evening seminar at a church in Izhevsk, the capital of the Udmurtia
autonomous republic in Russia.
According to the Forum 18 News Service, police forced about
70 people outside the Work of Faith church April 14, calling them
"sectarians" and "prostitutes," while they searched the building.
Source: WorldNetDaily, April 23, 2005
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