November 29, 2010

States Control: California: Page 8

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State backs off demand to run home thermostats
The state of California has halted, at least for now, a plan that would have allowed utilities to control the thermostats inside residents’ homes remotely, instead making plans to work on a "voluntary" program.
Source: WorldNetDaily, January 18, 2008
Big Brother to control thermostats in homes?
Add thermostats to the list of private property the government would like to regulate as the state of California looks to require that residents install remotely monitored temperature controls in their homes next year.
Source: WorldNetDaily, January 11, 2008
S.F. supervisors approve ID cards for residents
The Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to issue municipal identification cards to city residents – regardless of whether they are in the country legally – and to double the amount of public money available to candidates running for supervisor.
Source: The San Francisco Chronicle, November 14, 2007
‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ banished by California

[The phrases] "Mom and Dad" as well as "husband and wife" effectively have been banned from California schools under a bill signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who with his signature also ordered public schools to allow boys to use girls restrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa, if they choose.
Source: WorldNetDaily,
October 13, 2007
Ban on ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ considered – again

A plan that has been launched in the California state Assembly – again –
could be used to ban references to "mom" and "dad" in public schools statewide by prohibiting anything that would "reflect adversely" on the homosexual lifestyle choice.

Source: WorldNetDaily, April 27, 2007
California S.B. 777
This bill would prohibit instruction or activity or the use of any instructional materials in public schools (or in some cases private schools receiving state financial assistance) that reflects adversely upon any persons because of their sexual orientation or actual or perceived gender. The bill also prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or actual or perceived gender in any program or activity conducted by a school that receives state financial assistance.
Source: Human Rights Campaign, June 19, 2007
Parents who spank being made criminals

Democrats on a legislative committee in California have advanced a plan that would make criminals of any parent who uses "a stick, a rod, [or] a switch" to discipline their misbehaving child, and parents rights’ organizations are up in arms.
Source: WorldNetDaily, April 19, 2007
Silent night for fear of offending Jew
A school choir was told to stop singing carols at a show featuring a Jewish ice skater because officials feared she would be offended.
Source: The Telegraph (UK) (online), December 16, 2006
Websites not liable for libel, court rules
Websites that publish inflammatory information written by other parties cannot be sued for libel, the California Supreme Court ruled Monday in a case that involves a Canadian doctor and a radio producer.
Source: The Chronicle Herald (online), November 23, 2006
Attack of the Perv Trackers
Just a few years ago, satellite tracking of convicts was a newfangled alternative to house arrest. Now, the number of American ex-offenders tracked through GPS-equipped ankle bracelets will likely triple to more than 30,000, thanks to the passage of a California ballot measure.
Source: Wired, November 9, 2006
Appeals court upholds same-sex marriage ban
Gays and lesbians have no constitutional right to marry in California, a right that can be granted only by state lawmakers or voters, a state appeals court ruled today.
Source: The San Francisco Chronicle (online), October 5, 2006
Bills would make children ‘sexualized activists’
AB 606 would allow the state to financially destroy local schools unless those districts trained all their teachers to promote transsexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality as "good" and "natural" for children as young as ages four and five, Thomasson said.
The other plan, AB 1056, would spend $250,000 to promote those alternative sexual lifestyles at 10 specific schools.
Source: WorldNetDaily, September 26, 2006
State bans handheld cell phones for drivers
As governor, Schwarzenegger delivered a less-punitive, but just as heart-felt, message to 37 million Californians yesterday when he signed legislation that will fine motorists who use handheld phones.
Source: SignOnSanDiego, September 16, 2006
School fixes policy to allow pro-life T-shirts
A California school has fixed its T-shirt policy after two student were reprimanded for wearing the "inappropriate" Christian message that life is valuable, according to a law firm that defends religious freedom and parental rights.
Source: WorldNetDaily, September 17, 2006
Officials Reach California Deal to Cut Emissions
California’s political leaders announced an agreement on Wednesday that imposes the most sweeping controls on carbon dioxide emissions in the nation, putting the state at the forefront of a broad campaign to curb the man-made causes of climate change despite resistance in Washington.
Source: The New York Times (online), August 30, 2006
Gov. Arnold tosses school moral codes
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has tossed out all sexual moral conduct codes at colleges, private and Christian schools, daycare centers and other facilities throughout his state, if the institutions have any students who get state assistance.
Source: WorldNetDaily, August 29, 2006
Under 8? Use a booster seat
Parents will have to strap their kids into backseat car booster seats until they are 8 years old or reach a certain height if Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signs a bill the Legislature sent to him Thursday.
Another bill that appears headed to the governor’s desk attempts to protect children’s health by making it illegal for adults to smoke in a car with young passengers.
Source: San Francisco Chronicle, August 25, 2006
Clubhouse can’t ban Christian meetings
A California court has ruled that not only must a homeowners association allow Bible studies in its common areas, it has to pay $12,000 to the lawyers who had to defend against a motion to dismiss the action.
Source: WorldNetDaily, August 24, 2006
State Tracked Protesters in the Name of Security
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s office in charge of protecting California against terrorism has tracked demonstrations staged by political and antiwar groups, a practice that senior law enforcement officials say is an abuse of civil liberties.
Source: LA Times (online), July 1, 2006
LA’s spy-in-the-sky drone sparks privacy concerns
The future of law enforcement was launched into the smoggy Los Angeles skies at the weekend in the form of a drone aircraft intended to bring spy-in-the-sky technology to urban policing.
Source: The Independent (online), June 20, 2006
Police can now enter homes of DUI suspects without a warrant.
Police may enter Californians’ homes without warrants to arrest those suspected of driving under the influence, the California Supreme Court ruled Thursday in a case testing the scope of the Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures.
Source: CBS 13 (online), June 1, 2006
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