November 24, 2010

States Control: Massachusetts

Judge orders ‘gay’ agenda taught to Christian children
A federal judge in Massachusetts has ordered the "gay" agenda taught to Christians who attend a public school in Massachusetts, finding that they need the teachings to be "engaged and productive citizens."
Source: WorldNetDaily, February 24, 2007
Councilor proposes banning early Sunday morning yard work
The West District [Methuen] councilor is calling for a ban on the use of loud leaf blowers, hedge trimmers and lawn mowers before 10 a.m. on Sundays. A number of residents have complained to him about eager landscapers pulling the lawn mower cord too early on the Lord’s day.
Source: The Eagle Tribune (online), August 9, 2006
Town targets businesses hiring illegal immigrants
The Sandwich, Mass., Board of Selectmen voted 5-to-0 Thursday evening to attempt to control the influx of illegal immigrants by penalizing the employers who hire them.
Source: WorldNetDaily, July 1, 2006
Families file federal suit over ‘gay’ readings
Two Massachusetts families filed a federal lawsuit yesterday claiming their elementary school children were exposed in class to indoctrination about homosexuality without parental knowledge or permission.
Source: WorldNetDaily, April 28, 2006
Kill ‘freshmen,’ high school decides
There are no more "freshmen" at Amherst Regional High School in Massachusetts.
The administration at the school has decided to kill "freshmen" – the term, that is.
Freshmen are now simply ninth-graders for reasons of political correctness.
Source: WorldNetDaily, November 2, 2005
No notice to parents in `diversity` classes
While the trial of a Massachusetts parent arrested while attempting to secure a promise from school officials to notify parents before teaching about homosexuality in his son’s kindergarten class has been postponed until next month, the school district is taking a hard line against such notification.
WorldNetDaily, September 26, 2005
Dad on trial today over homosexual book
A Massachusetts man is on trial today over a dispute about the teaching of homosexuality in his son’s kindergarten class.
In April, David Parker, of Lexington, spent a night in jail and was charged with criminal trespassing after refusing to leave a scheduled meeting with officials at the Estabrook Elementary School unless they gave him the option of pulling his child out of certain classes.
Source: WorldNetDaily, September 21, 2005
‘Anti-Racist’ Message in Mass. Math Class
In some public schools math teachers do more than teach algebra and geometry — they give their students lessons intended to purge what they consider racism.
The "anti-racist education" program in place at Newton Public Schools in Newton, Mass., a wealthy, liberal niche of the Bay State, has angered some parents who believe the school district is more concerned about political correctness than teaching math skills.
Source: Fox News, February 8, 2005
GPS helps expose indecent snowplow driver
When a snowplow driver allegedly flashed a Dunkin’ Donuts worker early yesterday, police figured they’d take the usual path toward tracking him down: witness statements, descriptions, surveillance video.
Source: Boston Herald (online), January 11, 2005
Activists sue to stop random MBTA bag searches
A federal judge took under advisement a lawsuit filed by two civil rights groups hoping to stop the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority from inspecting passengers’ bags.
Source: The Boston Globe (online), July 27, 2004
Massachusetts is poised to become the 28th state to use an expansive DNA database that includes samples from all convicted felons instead of just the most dangerous, a move some legislators believe opens the door to identifying suspects in unsolved crimes across the state.
Source: Boston Globe (online), September 30, 2003
The state agency with legal custody of two homeschooled teen-agers in Massachusetts has no intention of removing the children from their home since it would be "traumatic for the kids," according to a government spokeswoman.
Source: WorldNetDaily, June 18, 2003
Shocking reports on attempts of Massachusetts educators to introduce homosexual acceptance and practices into elementary, middle and high schools.
Source: The Massachusetts News (online)
Three HIV instructors in Massachusetts are at the center of a growing controversy after reportedly conducting sexually explicit workshops for teenagers and holding sessions to train teachers in the art of injecting positive homosexual themes into public school materials — down to the elementary school level.
WorldNetDaily, May 9, 2000

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