The City of Flint is looking for sponsors for surveillance cameras that will be mounted around the city to keep a watch out for crooks.It’s OK to walk on the beach
In exchange for cash, the city will plaster business names next to police logos on the pole-mounted camera boxes that sport a blue police light that flashes 24 hours a day.
Source:, July 27, 2008
A neighborhood squabble that wound up in front of the U.S. Supreme Court finally ended Tuesday in a case that reaffirmed beach-walking rights along all 3,200 miles of Great Lakes shoreline in Michigan.Same-sex benefits OK`d despite amendment
The nation’s highest court refused to take the case, letting stand a July 2005 Michigan Supreme Court ruling that allows Michiganians to stroll along a narrow strip of lakefront property no matter who owns the land leading up to the water.
Source:, February 22, 2006
Michigan is moving ahead on a proposal to extend health care benefits to same-sex partners of state employees after a judge ruled the plan doesn’t violate a voter-approved marriage amendment.Gun Control Group Wants to Block Michigan Deadly Force Law
Source: WorldNetDaily, September 29, 2005
Earlier this year, gun control advocates failed to block a Florida bill allowing people to use deadly force in the street to defend themselves. The advocates vow not to let that happen in Michigan.Michigan bills would allow residents to fatally shoot intruders
Source: NewsMax, September 21, 2005
Michigan residents could fatally shoot someone who breaks into their homeAerial photos could track home projects
or vehicle without facing criminal or civil prosecution under proposed legislation.
Source: The Detroit News (online), September 9, 2005
New technology soon could let government officials look right into your back yard to see your new deck – and then check whether you filed the proper permits.
Genesee County officials are considering using Pictometry Visual Intelligence, a new, ultra-detailed data and aerial photograph system that can show a picture from up to 12 different angles and lets users combine the pictures with all sorts of material – even a tool to measure how big that deck is.
Source: MLive (online), March 20, 2005
Workers told ‘no smoking,’ even at home
A Michigan company’s decision to dismiss workers who smoke, even if it’s on their own time, has privacy and workers’ rights advocates alarmed and is raising concerns about whether pizza boxes and six packs are the next to go.Source: SeattlePi (online), February 8, 2005
Restroom cameras aim to flush out vandals
So, to scare the vandals away, it [Ludington, Mich.] has put video cameras in some park restrooms, some of them real, some of them dummies.
Source: August 28, 2000
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